Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape
Lasso Landscape

Lasso Landscape

Within the spherical laboratory, “Lasso Landscape” emerges as a vivid fusion of human ingenuity and the laws of nature, blurring the boundaries between the organic and the technological. This physics-driven interactive installation employs propelled loops of yarn that ascend and morph into dynamic shapes mirroring the vibrancy of life.

“Lasso Landscape” offers a compelling invitation for visitors to not merely observe, but actively engage through touch, participating in the emergence of new forms.

At its debut in the TNF Creative Festival held at Taipei's Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, 'Lasso Landscape' captivated over 140,000 visitors in just one month.


TNF Creative Festival, Songshan Creative Park & Taichung Railway Park, Taipei & Taichung, 2023